Markers cutanei per eventuali patologie sottostanti, escludendo le metastasi (decorso parallelo tra tumore e obiettivitài clinica cutanea, con miglioramento dopo rimozione o trattamento del tumore e peggioramento dopo recidiva o progressione)
3.2.11 Disordini Paraneoplastici
Disordini paraneoplastici obbligati (quasi il 100% associato a tumori)
Eritema migrante necrolitico (sindrome da glucagonoma), acrocheratosi di Bazex, acanthosis nigricans, pemfigo paraneoplastico, erythema gyratum repens, ipertricosi lanuginosa acquisita
Disordini paraneoplastici non-obbligati (markers meno evidenti, ma che comunque meritano approfondimento)
Ittiosi acquisita, tromboflebite migrante, dermatomiosite negli adulti, pemfigoide bolloso, sindrome di Sweet.
- 45-year-old man presents with warm indurated painful cord on right leg. A few week sago he had a similar lesion on the right arm. He has lost 5 kg in the past 3 months. Your diagnosis?
- Statement 1 Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita is not associated with virilization and menstrual abnormalities in women.
- Patient with alcohol and nicotine abuse has noticed asymptomatic erythematous and hyperkeratotic plaques on the fingers, toes, ears and nose. He has also become hoarse. Your diagnosis?
- 40-year-old man with asymptomatic dark velvety plaques on nape and axillae. He has also lost 4 kg over the past 3 months and can't stand the sight of meat. Your diagnosis?
- 50-year-old African complains of dirty plaques in the axillae and groin for a few months. What must you search for?
- True or false?
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