Further reading

  1. Common skin diseases in Africa: An illustrated guide Colette van Hees and Ben Naafs Common skin diseases in Africa: an illustrated guide | Infolep (leprosy-information.org)

  2. Recognizing neglected topical diseases through changes on the skin: A training guide for front-line health workers World Health Organization

  3. Leprosy: summary of patient management (link won't open)

  4. Albinism: Information pamphlet for teachers Lund, P., Massah, B., & Lynch, P. Sightsavers

  5. Best clinical practices for preparing the wound bed

  6. A guide for Health Promotion and Empowerment of People Affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases (link no results found)

  7. InfoNTD: the one-stop source of information on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases. 

  8. Infolep: the international knowledge centre for access to (digital) information resources on leprosy and related subjects.